by Guest » Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:43 pm
As I approached her with this question she(to my surprise) admitted it(wish i had this on tape) but I was unable to get the name of the company who the policy was insured through.
WHAT? That's a little creepy...what was her reason behind this? If the divorce hasn't been settled I'd certainly have my attorney ask her attorney about this....start by calling your agent for your cars/house/health whatever you can think you still have access to any paper work? like her check book etc? can you get into that account and look for a check...If all else fails certainly make it known to everyone, and I'd tell her that she either produces this policy or you are going to the police who will force her to produce it and she will be charge with forgery and insurance fraud, and likely a few other crimes....let us know, this is quite interesting what her motives must be... :?
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 07:37 pm Post Subject:
SD, Didn't the repossesion go against your credit? Usually they will go after the other person to try to get the paymants also. If it were me I would have raised a big stink. Forging signatures is a good way to get someone elses credit really screwed up.
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 02:40 am Post Subject:
sorry guys i'm locking the thread to see if it's just dialed into this one...
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 03:22 am Post Subject:
Wow thought Lori locked this thread. We had a repo when we were in our "early" years. We got a car and the transmission started leaking while still under warrenty. We tried to get them to repair it but couldn't. We could have hired a lawyer but we didn't have the money and we could have paid to repair ir ourself but hey it was hard times starting out and we could not have made the payment if we bought a tranny so we left it go. They auctioned it off and then we paid the remainder. Messed our credit up a little. The bank we had been with that gave us the loan documented the problem that we had with the car dealer and we still could get loans after a year or so.
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 09:02 am Post Subject:
Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:19 pm Post Subject:
mp4 converter mac - WHAT? :?
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 01:26 pm Post Subject: Berman Travel
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to introduce myself and look forward to hearing from you and participating in some great conversation.
We run a travel agency that offers great discounts to exotic places.
Would love to hear your favorite place to vacation if you wouldn't mine sharing.
See you soon
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:21 am Post Subject: What is “brick-and-mortar” traditional banking service?
I'm interesting wat is “brick-and-mortar” traditional bank services?
can any1 explain to me please???
thank you!
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 04:08 pm Post Subject:
You know, a physical building built out of bricks with mortar to hold them in place -- you can walk inside and speak to a teller to make a transaction.
As opposed to a "virtual bank" that has no branches you can walk into. Like the Charles Schwab Bank or the ING Bank, or PayPal.
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 03:12 am Post Subject: Life insurance in NC
Quick question-can you purchase life insurance in NC on a person(spouse) without their consent or knowledge that you took out life insurance on them and then make yourself the beneficiary?
Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 11:44 am Post Subject:
Generally, the answer is NO. You must have their consent and their signature on the application to acknowledge that the answers to the various medical questions are theirs.
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