soon to be ex-wife admitted she forged my name on a policy

by Guest » Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:43 pm

As I approached her with this question she(to my surprise) admitted it(wish i had this on tape) but I was unable to get the name of the company who the policy was insured through.

WHAT? That's a little creepy...what was her reason behind this? If the divorce hasn't been settled I'd certainly have my attorney ask her attorney about this....start by calling your agent for your cars/house/health whatever you can think you still have access to any paper work? like her check book etc? can you get into that account and look for a check...If all else fails certainly make it known to everyone, and I'd tell her that she either produces this policy or you are going to the police who will force her to produce it and she will be charge with forgery and insurance fraud, and likely a few other crimes....let us know, this is quite interesting what her motives must be... :?

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