Can I afford to locate a lost life insurance policy?

by Dee » Tue Dec 30, 2008 04:57 pm
Posts: 1
Joined: 30 Dec 2008

My Dad passed away in 2003, I think he had some life insurance policies but how do I find out if I didnt live with him if he left me anything?

Total Comments: 21

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:48 pm Post Subject:

Wow its been quite a while. I would hope that someone would have told you by now if there was anything left for you. Have you asked other family members? Did Dad have a will or an atty? I would imagine the best way to find out anything would be to ask other family members.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 03:21 am Post Subject: insurance

I think there is actually a wesite you can look up to find out if someone HAS an Insurance policy in their name. I'm sorry, but, I'm not sure what the website is, though. Maybe one of the Insurance experts, on the Forum can help 'us' out on this one.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:01 pm Post Subject: Can I afford to locate a lost life insurance policy?

Dee why so long in looking into this? Was your dad married when he passed? did he live with anyone? work anywhere? are their other children? Who paid for the funeral? what about his parents?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 02:42 pm Post Subject:

I am wondering if maybe the poster has just come to age (reached 18 birthday) and maybe wondering if their was something set aside for them. Just a guess.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 04:44 pm Post Subject: Can I afford to locate a lost life insurance policy?

Well, the problem is this, yes he was married, she is my stepmom, we are not close,my father never took care of me, I found him at the age of 26 now I'm much older. I have 2 other sisters but we have different mothers. They too claim to not know if he had anything such as a insurance policy, Ive already checked with the Nassau County Dept of Records and he had no will.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 02:14 am Post Subject: Debbi

I would try with your states department of insurance. You can do a google search and go their website. Once on their website you can get their phone number.

There are also websites for unclaimed money. There's one called Hope this helps.

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Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 01:48 pm Post Subject: Can I afford to locate a lost life insurance policy?

Debbi, I'm sorry but chances are that if he did have a policy it was left to his wife, the only way that you would have a shot at anything is if he indeed did have a life policy that placed you as the beneficiary. In the absense of a will your step mom would be his heir. Have your sisters received anything at all from your fathers death? Do you have reason to believe they are hiding something from you? Have you asked your stepmother about this? What is it Debbi that makes you think your daddy may have left you something?

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 04:33 pm Post Subject:

Hello Debbie,
If I can suggest, the MIB has a policy locator and is a place you can go to find information and there is also a website called These two places charge a fee and they go about looking for policies in different ways. I wish you luck.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:07 am Post Subject:

Find your policy, What is MIB if you do not mind me asking. Also are there fees really high or does this depend on if there is actually a policy put into place?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 01:58 am Post Subject:

Hello Fireyone,
The MIB is the Medical Information Bureau. They are an organization that has been around for over 100 years. Basically, everytime someone goes to the doctors office it is recorded with the MIB. So your medical records are stored there. I think this is for all doctors in the United States and Canada, however, I am not 100% sure.
As a LIfe Insurance agent, we must get a signed piece of paper from all clients, allowing the insurance company to check with the MIB for any medical information on the client. This is basically to avoid fraudulent information and to protect the Life Insurance company. They will check to see if your Medical records coinside with what you are telling them. Not that you have cancer and you tell them that you do not.
The Policylocater that they have basically checks the MIB database for any Life Insurance company that has made an enquiry on someone for their medical records. It does not guarantee that they had a policy however, it will show if someone has made an application for life insurance. Their success rate is around 24% and they charge a fee for this. It is 75 dollars per search.
To avoid ever looking it would be great to have a central database that will store individual's names along with the Life Insurance company names that hold their life insurance. This would eliminate ever loosing track of a policy. You just have to go to one central location to find it. does just that. It might be worth looking into.
I hope the above information is helpful.

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