Assure me to apply for a car insurance ?

by lucy77 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 06:39 pm
Posts: 21
Joined: 14 Apr 2009

My car is not insured. I seldom using it, so most of the time it's stay safe in my garage. So right now, I don't think it's necessary to apply for a car insurance.

But I'm considering in apply it, if you can assure me how it's necessary for me to apply for an auto insurance.

Total Comments: 12

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:25 am Post Subject:


nobody purchase a car just to keep it in garage.Surely at some point of time you will go for driving, god forbids, but if some unpleasant thing happens i.e.accident, may be you are not at fault but still there will some damage to your car and you also.

Do you think that it will be worth taking that risk of monetary loss???? :arrow:

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:37 am Post Subject:


there is no need for us to assure you to purchase car insurance. As you know nothing is predictable, It is always safer to do prevention rather than actions after big loss. Although you may seldom drive your car, but then if anybody using your car, and somebody crash into your car? sorry that i do not means to say bad, just to remind you on how important to do prevention.

Don't safe the little money of premium and you may come out more if there is accident happended.

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