"How much" insurance to carry for a in-house teen

by Guest » Fri Aug 01, 2008 06:14 pm

Hi all,
I (think) I like my Insurance Agent, but was assigned a new Account Manager that is not very forthcoming with helpful information...or our personalities just don't "click". So I am looking for info. on my own.

"How much" insurance would be a "decent" amount to carry? My husband & I have never been ticketed, in an accident, etc. My son (soon to be 16) has a 3.6 GPA and is a good, responsible person.

We own a 98 GMC truck and an 05 Honda Odyssee.

Thanks for any advice.

Total Comments: 13

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 05:31 pm Post Subject:

You seem to have a very Good driving record and your Son seems to be resposible,by the information you have provided,.But past is not guarantee of the future and things can go wrong in a hurry.. So think and come to a decision about the limits,as these depend upon individuals.. In my opinion it would be ok to include your son in your own insurance policy instead of having a separate one for him as it will save some money

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:43 pm Post Subject: insurance

If you have health insurance , why bother paying for med pay? Med pay pays out at 20%. Your health insurance will get reductions on medical bills and better rates. I dont see why you would carry med pay???

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 06:52 am Post Subject:

Pam, I think that's a very good point. However, in some states the Medpay acts as the primary coverage in paying for the accident related medical bills. And the health insurance simply wouldn't touch the claim till the Medpay expires. In such states Medpay is a requirement for the insured even when health policy is available.

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