
by Guest » Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:35 pm

I was hit at 60kph and my car was ridden off . I have been having treatment but still in pain . This is my first accident and i really dont know what to expect to get from the insurance company for pain and suffering. Can you help. I live in Australia, n.s.w. Thanks

Total Comments: 6

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:44 pm Post Subject:

I was hit at 60kph and my car was ridden off .

Ouch! Sorry to hear that!

I have been having treatment but still in pain . This is my first accident and i really dont know what to expect to get from the insurance company for pain and suffering. Can you help. I live in Australia, n.s.w. Thanks

I know absolutley nothing about Australia, or their law/insurance etc....But would advise you to not even think about settling any part of your injury until you have returned to your prior health...or as close as you will get....assuming it operates similarly to the US, then the at fault carrier will owe you all your medical bills/services, any loss of wage due to your injury and of course a settlement for pain and suffering...if you had to have anyone help you with daily chores etc....it really depends in the diagnosis, prognosis, and your health prior to the accident and after, if there will be any lasting effects etc...

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 01:04 pm Post Subject:


I'd agree that it is the other party's liability since they'd hit you straight. Still, I'd request you to pursue this problem with the intervention of your own insurer. Let them follow it up on your behalf.

Had it only been a damage to your own vehicle, then ofcrs you could have been covered through your own collision insurance.
But since this is about your injury, hence its certainly more to it..

Your carrier would be better equipped than you to handle the loopholes of the other carrier! (Hope you know how difficult it is to make the claims-adjusters understand that you were 100% Not-at-fault.)

Some more information would make things a bit clearer...kinda factors like the visibility while this mishap occurred???...any witnesses???...proper info-exchanges??? etc.

Keep posting..Baldheaded05

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 01:17 pm Post Subject:

Hope you know how difficult it is to make the claims-adjusters understand that you were 100% Not-at-fault.)

WHAT? Where did this come from? The other carrier has obviously accepted 100% liablity they totaled his vehicle? How difficult is it to make the adjuster understand you were 100% not at fault? It's no problem really! I don't get why you said that?

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:30 pm Post Subject:

I know absolutley nothing about Australia


Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 03:08 am Post Subject:

The only thing I know is they have Kangaroo accidents like we have deer accidents. Not a pretty picture. Ever see those things hit by a tractor trailer. Its like they are liquified.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 09:15 am Post Subject:

I know absolutley nothing about Australia

Oh my gosh! tcope....I can't quit laughin' I needed that this mornin'! :lol:

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