Anyone ever buy leads?

by Guest » Mon Dec 14, 2009 06:49 pm

New to the industry and I was looking at some of the sites that sell Life insurance leads. Has anyone ever used these? Are they any good? For the cost of some of them I could hire my own telemarketer to generate the leads. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Total Comments: 3

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 06:52 pm Post Subject:

Quite frankly, I have never heard anything good about any lead company. I'm a 2 decade veteran in the business.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 09:26 pm Post Subject:

Budgetlife has been great for us, but it's nowhere near the scale of something like We only get a few leads a week from them, but they're all exclusive and the person putting their info in gets an autoresponse with our contact information only (no affiliates or other numbers). However, they are increasing their lead prices by 50% due to troubles generating enough traffic to get a decent amount of leads, and they aren't taking any new agents right now for the same reason. We also used and bought about $550 worth. The leads you get will be called by 7 or 8 people, but if you keep it local you can get a good ROI. We sold 3 cases out of about 30 leads, but with the filters we used they were all larger cases. One was $4500, one was $6000 and one was $1800. Hard to complain about that for a $550 investment....just grab your hard hat for all the people that got 6 calls already.

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 03:03 pm Post Subject:

Using a telemarketer has always worked better for me. I've bought many internet generated leads and I sold one case out of the entire lot. I would tell you that if you are going to go that route, make sure you aren't signing up with some company that will lock you in to a specific period of time (netquotes), and also make sure that if you cancel you will be refunded your money instead of just having to wait the money you've prepaid has been exhausted by leads received (

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