Prospecting Ideas needed.

by kirk » Fri Feb 11, 2011 03:25 pm
Posts: 2
Joined: 10 Feb 2011

I am working with and independent agency and I am new. I have owned my own business in the past where I was responsible for all the sales of the business. Meaning I went out and conctacted propective jobs. This industry is very different and everyone says you should try not to sell right away, but just get you name out there. I agree with that for the most part, but I need some advise on how to target a certain type of business not just who ever I can talk to.

Total Comments: 2

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 06:52 am Post Subject:

everyone says you should try not to sell right away,

And what will bring you income?

how to target a certain type of business

Perhaps you could take a cue from Warren Buffett. He only invests in companies whose business he understands. If you have specialized knowledge of certain businesses, then you can converse with their owners/principals on a different level than someone who doesn't.

Now, getting back to the idea of not selling right away. I do not normally attempt to close business on a first appointment. Instead, I gather information that I distill into a client profile. Once I know what I need to about income and expenses, objectives, and other aspects of the client's household, I create a proposal and present that on the second appointment, and that's normally when I close business.

So go for it! Get out there and talk to people and make something happen. And there is nothing wrong with talking to everybody, either, because almost everybody has a need for some form of insurance or another.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:06 am Post Subject:

And there is nothing wrong with talking to everybody, either, because almost everybody has a need for some form of insurance or another.

That's exactly where we need to beat around...not all of us do understand the need of insurance. There are various types of insurance that we may need depending on our circumstances.

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