I need to know if you need a college degree to become an ins

by Guest » Tue Feb 27, 2007 01:00 am

My name is Andre and I am tryin to start a small business you know just tired of working for other directly. Is there a college requirements to becoming an indepedent agent. my Question is to anyone who has the information

Total Comments: 6

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 01:07 am Post Subject:

No, depending upon what State you reside. In Tennessee I had to take a three day course with actual class time. Other States the course can be taken online or just challenge the Test. Test isn't bad at all, you'll need a 70% correct to pass. Piece of Cake. Yet though the course and test will not aid you at all as an Agent, that is the easy part!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 06:32 am Post Subject: Hi!

I think the iiaa.org website might get you an option. Richard Blair

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 06:44 am Post Subject: I'm being a bit naughtier..

Hi ..It may cost you around $200 for attending a course worth a week's duration. After that you'd need to get tested with your state which would mean another $100 or so. Thats why we suggest people to work for someone whos ready to pay for it as long as you work for him. Once the course is over its your own free world for good!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 06:02 am Post Subject:

Agreed with the above you will have to take a class most likely and then a test. You should also think about working for an agent for a while so that you can get your feet wet a little bit.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 07:02 am Post Subject:

Are there any options of becoming an Online Insurance Agent?
I am asking this because few days nefore a person was mailing me
regarding Insurance of an Indian Insurance Company ( ICICI )
He mailed me and asked me to just send my all details by Web.
I first of all ignored him But later on he kept sending those mails
Then I asked him regarding procedure
He came online and chatted with me and he then told
" He started his Online Insurance business just few days back and their are people who are trusting him... Because of the best Services he provides to people"
I was startled as to how fast this world is going on.. I mean one day we would be just relaxing back in our chairs and getting all and everythng Online.....

So i would also suggest you to look out those options as sooner or later this is gonna come... And some one would be starting it on a big SCALe too...

Imagine a group of I/Agents working Online under their Big Boss
who invented that idea of insuring every one online

Hey may be I am ignorant abt this thing but are their independent agents who have started thier web sites for such things?????

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:20 am Post Subject:

Hey patekibaat, I think this site suggests only for the US insurance consumers.

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