Auto Insurance Scam

by magpam » Thu Apr 09, 2009 02:09 am
Posts: 3
Joined: 09 Apr 2009

My mother just got a phone call today from an auto insurance company that said 7 months ago she was involved in a car accident and needs to pay $400.00. Ok.. here's the deal. Why would you wait 7 months? She was NOT in a car accident 7 months ago. They are only giving her the date and intersection. No other information and they want her to pay. She contacted her insurance company and they want to come out and take pictures of her car.
What kind of scam is this???? Why would you wait 7 months? The burden of truth should be on the other driver, not her. Now she has to prove she WASN'T there. They have NO proof she was.

Has anyone heard of this kind of scam and how and where would we report this?

Total Comments: 11

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 07:23 pm Post Subject: License Plate Lookup

How would you perform a reverse license plate number research? I want to know if there's whichever way you can type in a license plate number via the internet and see the identify of that guy if it is associated with or perhaps the address of that individual. Can someone help me to solve this? It's an The state of illinois license plate with S in the end of it. Please email me if you're able to perform a search or post if you know the way to do a totally free one. Thanks very much.

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